Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Alright - A First Post, Finally

As Angy informed me about...err...four months ago: "YOU! If you go to the bother of getting a second blog, you should probably, you know, write on it."

And the excuse "Hey! I'm busy chasing my little brother around the house yelling Latin conjugations!" can really only work for so long. (We've made it up to "bo, beris, bitur, bimur, bimini, bunter!" by now - though his favorite is "bam, bas, bat, bamus, batis, bant!" Mostly because we always yell it out with the "'a' as in cat" variety of 'a' sound. Even though that's not quite the right pronunciation, the chant is a heck of a lot more catchy and memorable that way, especially to a 4th grade boy).

So, yes. Here goes a second attempt at a blog sort of thing. I'll mostly probably talk about books I'm reading. And maybe a bit of Latin and little brothers, too.

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